Vital Signs To Keep In Check


What are Vital Signs?

Vital signs are measurements used by healthcare professionals to assess physical health. They include body temperature, pulse rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, and more.

1. Body Temperature

Body temperature varies by age: infants (up to 1 year old) range from 96.8 to 100.3°F, children (1-12 years old) range from 98.6 to 100.3°F, and adults (over 12 years old) range from 97 to 99.6°F

2. Pulse Rate

Pulse rate measures heartbeats per minute, reflecting health. It assesses fitness, heart conditions, and treatment response.

3. Respiratory Rate

Respiratory rate measures breaths per minute, indicating overall health and detecting illness or conditions.

4. Blood Pressure

Blood pressure measures cardiovascular health, indicating the force of blood on artery walls.

5. Blood Oxygen

Blood oxygen, or oxygen saturation, measures the oxygen in your blood. It varies with age, activity, and medical conditions.

Body weight reflects health and well-being, including fat and muscle mass. Tracking changes detects underlying issues.

6. Weight

Blood glucose, or blood sugar, indicates overall health. It reveals sugar levels, metabolic state, and health risks.

7. Blood Glucose Level

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