7 Types of PCOS: Symptoms And Treatments

What is PCOS?

PCOS is a hormonal condition characterised by a hormonal imbalance that affects many women of reproductive age. 

 1. Insulin-resistant PCOS

70% of women with PCOS suffer with insulin-resistant PCOS.  It happens when the cells in the body grow resistant to insulin, resulting in increased amounts of insulin in the blood.


 Lifestyle modifications such as -good diet -exercise -de-stressing -improving sleep  -supplements

 2. Lean PCOS

Predominantly affects women of normal or even underweight. Despite not being overweight, women with lean PCOS have hormonal abnormalities and irregular menstruation.


Treatment options for lean PCOS are similar to those for insulin-resistant PCOS, emphasising increasing insulin sensitivity and hormonal balance.

 3. Inflammatory PCOS

Distinguished by low-grade inflammation in the body, which can exacerbate insulin resistance and hormonal abnormalities. Extra symptoms such as  -Persistent tiredness  -Joint discomfort -And digestive problems.


-Eating an anti-inflammatory diet -Controlling stress -And, if necessary, take anti-inflammatory medicines.

 4. Hidden-cause PCOS

Underlying cause of PCOS is not readily apparent. It might be genetic, environmental, or a mix of the two.


Treatment includes hormone management and lifestyle changes.

 5. Pill-Induced PCOS

It develops when certain hormonal medicines, such as birth control pills, cause the development of PCOS-like symptoms.


Discontinuing the medication and allowing the body to re-establish its natural hormonal balance.

 6. Adrenal PCOS

It is an uncommon type of PCOS characterised by the adrenal glands overproduction of androgens.  Excessive hair growth, acne, and irregular menstrual periods indicate this type.


Drugs to control adrenal hormone production and following a healthy lifestyle are some treatment options to cure adrenal PCOS.

 7. Post-pregnancy PCOS

Also known as postpartum PCOS, after giving birth. Hormonal variations during and after pregnancy might alter the body’s natural hormonal balance, resulting in PCOS symptoms.


Invest in hormone management and lifestyle changes to correct post-pregnancy PCOS.

 Final Thoughts

To Understand more about the different types of PCOS, their symptoms, and their potential treatments read the full blog.